Referendum day September 8th

Congratulations to the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. The plan has been overwhelmingly approved by the residents of Ongar.

Do you want to know more? 


More about the content of the plan can be found on




Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation is ready for your comments


Ongar Town Council has submitted to Epping Forest District Council their Neighbourhood Plan under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. We would really like to know what you make of it. You have until the 23rd December.

In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, you are invited to comment on the Ongar Neighbourhood Plan 2020 – 2033, which can be downloaded below. The Consultation Statement, Basic Conditions Statement, SEA and HRA Screening Report and other evidence base documents can also be downloaded from this page. You can make your comments on this form, which can be emailed to, or post the completed form to Planning Policy, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ. 

The District Council will accept comments in writing (including electronic, such as email) provided that a name and address is supplied. They cannot accept anonymous comment, and will not accept comment submitted after 4 p.m. on 23rd December. Representations received regarding the plan proposal will be forwarded to an appointed examiner, who will assess the plan proposal and supporting documents against the basic conditions.
The consultation period runs from 11 November 2021 to 4pm on 23 December 2021  
Comments are invited, regarding whether the plan proposal fulfils the basic conditions, as required by paragraph 8 (1) (a) (2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (inserted by the Localism Act 2011). 

Here is the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan

Following your comments from the last survey, this is the final and published version of the Ongar Neighbourhood Plan. There are a lot of documents to consider, but this is the Neighbourhood Plan itself. For more detail, you need to read the consultation statement, the Basic Conditions Statement, the evidence file, and the Neighbourhood planning glossary. The final step is what is known as Regulation 16 consultation - where the final document is handed over to the District Council who will be taking it to the referendum where you will vote to say if you accept the plan. It has been the work of many people and many years, we hope you do.


   Here is a link to the Epping Forest District Council's Neighbourhood Plan page for Ongar, and here is a link to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee's website, but you will find their facebook page more informative.

Notification of Formal Consultation on Ongar Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan


(Regulation 14 Town and Country Planning, England, Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012) 

The Ongar Town Council Neighbourhood Plan has been published for consultation. Statutory consultees have been contacted. If you would like to take part in the consultation, please see the information below:

 The consultation period runs from 21st January 2021 to 18th March 2021.

 If you require a hard copy of the plan to review or would like to make representations, please contact the Parish Clerk: on 01277 365348 or by email at

Following this public consultation process the Plan will be reviewed and submitted to Epping Forest District Council together with all the supporting documentation, setting out who has been consulted, how the consultation has been undertaken and how the representations have informed the Plan.

Epping Forest District Council will then invite representations before the plan is subjected to Examination by an Independent Examiner. Once any further amendments have been made the Plan will be subject to a local Referendum, if the Referendum is successful the Plan will be “Made” by Epping Forest District Council


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